Interamna has conducted a variety of performance and impact evaluations, needs assessments, monitoring and verification activities in the most fragile and conflict affected and disaster-prone zones in the world. We utilize data collection, field-work, analysis and reporting to support clients, their staff, and implementing partners with current information that shapes and informs conflict programming. As part of its comprehensive crisis, peacebuilding and disaster reduction program-oriented methodology, we assist communities by conducting evidence-based evaluations about project performance and client project performance plans, data quality assessments, training sessions to improve self-reliance in local populaces and increase the efficacy of government and private implementation partners. Interamna’s extensive independent monitoring and evaluation services experience includes quickly mobilizing project staff and consultants for site visits, establishing in-house databases to host field monitoring data, and developing communication channels in fragile states to build community conflict prevention and mitigation networks, improve local security, disaster resilience and further response capacity.