What We Did: Partnering with SETIN Group Srl, Interamna carried out a Mid-Term Evaluation for a US$ 15M integrated coastal zone natural resource management project in Liberia, to assess the extent of mainstreaming efforts of natural capital accounting. Undertook field and HQ-level consultations with key stakeholders and beneficiaries, and applied quantitative and qualitative evaluation techniques, including a revalidation of the project’s Theory of Change.
Objective: The objective of the Conservation International-supported, GEF-financed “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Liberia's Coastal Natural Capital” project is to promote the conservation and sustainable use of Liberia's coastal and marine resources through the implementation of integrated coastal zone management strategies, the establishment of marine protected areas, and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities. The project aims to enhance the resilience of Liberia's coastal ecosystems, reduce the impacts of climate change and land-based pollution, and support the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.