Midterm Review of a Sustainable Rangeland and Pastoralism Initiative in Jordan and Egypt.

Midterm Review of a Sustainable Rangeland and Pastoralism Initiative in Jordan and Egypt.

What We Did: Interamna was tapped to undertake an assessment of the the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of GEF support to a high-visibility pastoralism and sustainable rangeland initiative. While the midterm review was suspended due to lengthy COVID-19 restrictions in both Jordan and Egypt, Interamna developed the roadmap and framework for the review.

The US$ 15.5M UNEP-supported, GEF-financed “Healthy Ecosystems for Rangeland Development (HERD): Sustainable Rangeland Management Strategies and Practices” project aims to promote sustainable rangeland management practices and enhance the resilience of pastoralist communities in Jordan and Egypt. The project focuses on strengthening the capacity of local communities and stakeholders to manage rangeland ecosystems sustainably, improving livestock management practices, and promoting the use of climate-resilient crops and non-timber forest products as alternative livelihoods. The ultimate objective is to enhance the ecological health of rangeland ecosystems and improve the productivity and livelihoods of pastoralist communities.


Monitoring And Evaluation

Land Degradation




Local Livelihoods

Ecosystem Services


Disaster And Conflict
Global Region
Project Sectors
Agriculture, Resilience & Food Security
Environment & Climate Change

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